Nov 2, 2008

My favorite milk shake

Aww the milk shake, don't you just love them. Their is no better dessert, in my opinion, then a milk shake. They're so simple too! Just add milk and ice cream together and you have yourself a milk shake. I'm going to share my favorite milk shake and how to make it. I like it when chocolate and vanilla are blended together to really shake up my taste buds. So to make my favorite milk shake you take your blender out and put in: 3 big scoops of vanilla ice cream, 4 tablespoons of chocolate syrup, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, and then fill to the top of the ice cram with milk. After you blend them together put it in a glass and then add whip cream to the top. Also, if you really want to make your sweet tooth happy, drink this while eating a chocolate bar. Any chocolate bar well do and it is delicious. I give it a 10/10!

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